"You can ask great questions, tough questions, and you might not always get an answer."  This is one of the points Mike Gousha made during his discussion in Journalism 4953.  

In class, Gousha also explained the role that journalists play in everyday society.  Gousha self-describes as a practicer of "old school journalism."  New school journalists are more concerned with asking questions that will start an argument but old school journalists ask tough questions with the goal of creating a good and informative discussion. 

He also spoke about the importance that journalism has in keeping people informed.

"People make intelligent decisions when they are presented with good information," Gousha stated.

Listening to his discussion really inspired me and my own work as a journalist.  Gousha was able to stay focused despite the ever-changing field of journalism and give people quality information without compromising his values. Currently, he hosts two different shows called "On the Issues" and "Upfront"where he asks politicans tough and relevant questions while attempting to be unbiased.  Someday I hope that I can apply these principles to my own line of work.

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    I am a journalism and writing intensive English major in the Diederich College of Communication at Marquette University. 


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