In past months, the GOP primary has had heavy coverage from the Chicago Tribune.  There were reporters at every single debate as well as a continuous stream of Tweets.  However, since Mitt Romney has become the clear frontrunner, this has slightly changed.

Their national politics page seems to be much less focused on the GOP and instead more focused on President Obama and the wider political spectrum.  For example, there was a story about how the enthusiasm that young voters felt towards Obama has waned.  Another article spoke about Obama addressing student debt at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Out of about 22 national politics articles published by the Tribune since April 20 there are only 2 about Romney as apposed to 6 related to Obama.  There were also a couple of stories about the secret service scandal and Jonathan Edward’s trial, but it appears as if Romney has somewhat slipped out of the limelight.

Naturally as we get closer to Election Day the Tribune will shift its focus towards Obama because he was the senator in Illinois; still, it is curious that there were very little stories related to Romney.

Citizens and even the media are less focused on the elections because there are bigger news items at this point and the GOP has not even officially announced Romney as the final candidate.  However, it will be interesting to see as we get closer to November how much the Tribune will focus on Obama and how much more or less it will focus on Romney.

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    I am a journalism and writing intensive English major in the Diederich College of Communication at Marquette University. 


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